
Acupuncture is a comfortable, common and safe treatment for many health conditions that uses hair-thin, sterile, disposable needles on specific points in the body. Our Acupuncturist often use, cupping and herbal medication as part of their treatments. Our Acupuncturists are also specially trained in Non-surgical, Holistic and Natural Facial Rejuvenation Techniques such as facial cupping, fa... Read More

Acupuncture is a comfortable, common and safe treatment for many health conditions that uses hair-thin, sterile, disposable needles on specific points in the body. Our Acupuncturist often use, cupping and herbal medication as part of their treatments.

Our Acupuncturists are also specially trained in Non-surgical, Holistic and Natural Facial Rejuvenation Techniques such as facial cupping, facial gua sha, cosmetic acupuncture and microneedling. See our Holistic Cosmetic Services section for scheduling.


Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit with our Rejuv Therapy that includes: Red Light Therapy, Chakra Crystal Mat (PEMF, photon, negative ions, far-infrared), binaural beats sound therapy, and aroma therapy.


Our chiropractors apply hands on chiropractic adjustments to the spine and all the joints of the body to promote balance, alignment, optimal movement and function and alleviate pain and tightness.

Holistic Cosmetic Services

Our providers are specially trained in Non-surgical, Holistic and Natural Facial Rejuvenation Techniques such as facial cupping, facial gua sha, cosmetic acupuncture and facial microneedling and microneedling for hair loss. These techniques help to clear, brighten, lift, tone, tighten and increase blood flow and collagen production to the face, neck and chest without surgery, injections, neuro... Read More

Our providers are specially trained in Non-surgical, Holistic and Natural Facial Rejuvenation Techniques such as facial cupping, facial gua sha, cosmetic acupuncture and facial microneedling and microneedling for hair loss. These techniques help to clear, brighten, lift, tone, tighten and increase blood flow and collagen production to the face, neck and chest without surgery, injections, neurotoxins or fillers.

SCHEDULING CONSIDERATIONS: Do not use any retinoid, Retin-A, vitamin C, or have had any peels or exfoliating procedures 4 weeks before your appointment.
For Hair Loss Microneedling appointments- Do not color hair 7 days after treatment, skin will still be healing.

Massage Therapy

Our Massage Therapist provide therapeutic body work to alleviate muscle pain and tightness and help to restore motion and promote relaxation.

TMJ/Jaw Pain Clinic

Our unique approach to face, jaw pain, headaches, clenching and grinding combines Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Muscle Work and Mindfulness Techniques to relax the muscles and align the movements of the jaw to reduce pain, inflammation and headaches in head, face and shoulders. These treatments are best for people with new or ongoing Jaw Pain, TMJ/TMDD diagnosis, freque... Read More

Our unique approach to face, jaw pain, headaches, clenching and grinding combines Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Muscle Work and Mindfulness Techniques to relax the muscles and align the movements of the jaw to reduce pain, inflammation and headaches in head, face and shoulders.

These treatments are best for people with new or ongoing Jaw Pain, TMJ/TMDD diagnosis, frequent headaches and or migraines and people who have pain after dental or orthodontic procedures (braces, alignment trays)

Elisabeth Meier is a licensed Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, Cosmetologist, and Yoga Instructor. She has been in the Industry of Health and Wellness for over 20 years. She received her Master’s in Acupuncture with a specialty in Herbal Medicine from the Institute of Clinical Acupuncture in Honolulu, Hawaii. In addition to having studied at Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe and Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. She believes that health is a balancing act of the mind, body and spirit. It is her hopes to support and educate people as they venture into their own journey of wellness. She is passionate about her craft and is eager to share her knowledge.

On a personal note, Elisabeth is the mother of three neurodivergent children. She enjoys living an active lifestyle and is passionate about movement and travel. She attended Cal State Fullerton, studying Vocal Performance and has had the pleasure of performing at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion and Carnegie Hall.

Elisabeth Meier is a licensed Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, Cosmetologist, and Yoga Instructo... Read More

Iris is our Office Assistant with over 25 years of customer service. She worked in the technology industry doing hardware and software sales which has incited her passion for technology and people. In parallel to her career in technology, she was a medical advocate and caregiver for her 3 children with chronic health conditions. She worked to minimize prescription medication with alternative holistic therapies to aid with their chronic pain, nervous system disorders, autoimmune condition as well as mental health relief. This experience has fueled her passion for health and wellness to create her own business as a Health & Life Coach and Energy Healer. Iris also provides a monthly meditation class on the 1st Thursday of the month at Inner Qi Wellness Center. See more info @mothermedicine369

You’ll find Iris welcoming patients in the front office, sharing her knowledge on holistic therapies as she supports the doctors recommendations to provide the best care for all patients

Iris is our Office Assistant with over 25 years of customer service. She worked in the technology... Read More

Enjoy our 7 Chakra Healing Crystal Mat with Infrared, Negative Ions and PEMF. It feels like a warm fuzzy blanket! We pair this amazing healing mat with a panel red light great to heal areas of pain, inflammation or sports injury OR used Cosmetically over the face to promote circulation and collagen production. Add in customized aromatherapy and binaural beats for an exceptional healing and rejuvenating experience.

Enjoy our 7 Chakra Healing Crystal Mat with Infrared, Negative Ions and PEMF. It feels like a war... Read More

Dr. Randi Ruela is a Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic and Licensed Acupuncturist and Owner of Inner Qi (pronounced Inner – Chee, a play on the word Energy) Wellness Center in Corona, CA. Originally from a small, rural, one-stoplight town about 45 minutes southwest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dr. Randi earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of Pittsburgh in April 2009. In August 2009, she moved to Whittier, CA and entered Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCUHS) in pursuit of dual degrees in Chiropractic and Acupuncture. She graduated Valedictorian (Chiropractic) and Salutatorian (Acupuncture), from SCUHS in the Summer of 2013. Once becoming licensed to practice in California, Dr. Randi spent her first several years in practice honing her crafts, making patients happier, healthier in Palmdale, CA.

Dr. Randi and her husband, Thales Ruela L.Ac, established Inner Qi Wellness Center in December 2015. They continue to grow, build, and expand their practice and wellness offerings by incorporating more services and connecting with additional providers highly skilled in both traditional forms of healing and modern therapies and treatments to provide optimal results to their patients. Along this journey, Dr. Randi has furthered her knowledge and skill set in caring for the pregnant and pediatric populations, in holistic aging and cosmetic services, essential oils and various energy healing methods.

On a personal note of achievement and pride, Dr. Randi and her husband welcomed their daughter, Amelia Quinn Ruela into the world on July 13, 2020. You will often find Amelia, and their office dog, Minnie, roaming around the office greeting patients and providing comfort and emotional support.

Ultimately, Dr. Randi looks forward to helping each patient find a solution and create an action plan for their health and wellness goals.

Dr. Randi Ruela is a Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic and Licensed Acupuncturist and Owner of Inne... Read More

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Located at: 710 Rimpau Ave, Suite 106, Corona
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