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Acupuncture is a comfortable, common and safe treatment for many health conditions that uses hair-thin, sterile, disposable needles on specific points in the body. Our Acupuncturist often use, cupping and herbal medication as part of their treatments.
Our Acupuncturists are also specially trained in Non-surgical, Holistic and Natural Facial Rejuvenation Techniques such as facial cupping, facial gua sha, cosmetic acupuncture and microneedling. See our Holistic Cosmetic Services section for scheduling.
Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit with our Rejuv Therapy that includes: Red Light Therapy, Chakra Crystal Mat (PEMF, photon, negative ions, far-infrared), binaural beats sound therapy, and aroma therapy.
Our chiropractors apply hands on chiropractic adjustments to the spine and all the joints of the body to promote balance, alignment, optimal movement and function and alleviate pain and tightness.
Holistic Cosmetic Services
Our providers are specially trained in Non-surgical, Holistic and Natural Facial Rejuvenation Techniques such as facial cupping, facial gua sha, cosmetic acupuncture and facial microneedling and microneedling for hair loss. These techniques help to clear, brighten, lift, tone, tighten and increase blood flow and collagen production to the face, neck and chest without surgery, injections, neurotoxins or fillers.
SCHEDULING CONSIDERATIONS: Do not use any retinoid, Retin-A, vitamin C, or have had any peels or exfoliating procedures 4 weeks before your appointment.
For Hair Loss Microneedling appointments- Do not color hair 7 days after treatment, skin will still be healing.
Massage Therapy
Our Massage Therapist provide therapeutic body work to alleviate muscle pain and tightness and help to restore motion and promote relaxation.
TMJ/Jaw Pain Clinic
Our unique approach to face, jaw pain, headaches, clenching and grinding combines Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Muscle Work and Mindfulness Techniques to relax the muscles and align the movements of the jaw to reduce pain, inflammation and headaches in head, face and shoulders.
These treatments are best for people with new or ongoing Jaw Pain, TMJ/TMDD diagnosis, frequent headaches and or migraines and people who have pain after dental or orthodontic procedures (braces, alignment trays)
Need Help? (951) 428-4135